留学マナビジンオリジナル英語教材ビジネスフレーズ集ビジネス英語 電話対応フレーズ【168選】

ビジネス英語 電話対応フレーズ【168選】






Google 翻訳
Thank you for calling.
DeepL 翻訳
Thank you for calling
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you for calling.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Thank you for your call.


Google 翻訳
It is △△ of 〇〇 company.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m Mr. △△ from Company 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
This is △△ from 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
You are speaking to △△ from 〇〇.


Google 翻訳
DeepL 翻訳
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Hello, you’ve reached 〇〇 (company).


Google 翻訳
What kind of business do you have?
DeepL 翻訳
What can I do for you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
What can I do for you?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
What can I help you with?


Google 翻訳
We will check it, so please be patient.
DeepL 翻訳
Please wait a moment while I check.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please wait a moment while I check.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please wait for a moment while I check the details.

“Hold on, please.” はよく少々お待ちくださいという意味で書籍に載っていますが、ビジネスシーンではカジュアル過ぎです。カフェ店員の接客なら可


Google 翻訳
We accept your request.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll take your call.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
What can I help you with?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
What is the reason for your call today?

“How can I help you?” “How may I help you?” でも良いですが、”What may I help you with?” と言っている人は聞いたことがありません。


Google 翻訳
Which one should I connect to?
DeepL 翻訳
Who would you like me to connect you to?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Who should I connect you to?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Who would you like me to connect you to?


Google 翻訳
We will respond, so can you wait for a while?
DeepL 翻訳
Please wait a moment so we can take care of this.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please hold while I complete your request.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please hold while I take care of this for you.



Google 翻訳
Can you tell me your name?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you tell me your name, please?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I have your name, please?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I ask for your name, please?

“Could I”より”May I”のほうがより丁寧です。また、”What’s your name?”は言い方次第では警官等が言うかのような強い表現になってしまいます


Google 翻訳
Who are you?
DeepL 翻訳
Who are you, sir?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Who am I talking with?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I ask who I am talking with?


Google 翻訳
Please give me your name again.
DeepL 翻訳
Could you repeat your name, please?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you repeat your name, please?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I please ask for you name one more time?


Google 翻訳
Could you give me your company name?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you give me your company name?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I have your company’ name, please?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I ask your company’s name?


Google 翻訳
Excuse me, but which company is 〇〇?
DeepL 翻訳
Excuse me, but which company are you from, Mr. 〇〇?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry Mr. 〇〇, which company do you belong to?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I ask which company you belong to Mr. 〇〇?



Google 翻訳
Which one do you call from?
DeepL 翻訳
Where are you calling from?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Which company are you from?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I ask which company you are from?



Google 翻訳
Who are you calling?
DeepL 翻訳
Who are you calling?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Who are you calling for?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Who would you like to speak to?


Google 翻訳
There are two people, but do you know the department you belong to?
DeepL 翻訳
There are two of us, do you know what department we belong to?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
There are two people with that name. Do you know which department they belong to?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
We have two 〇〇s here. Do you know which department they belong to?



Google 翻訳
We will confirm the person in charge, so please be patient.
DeepL 翻訳
Please wait a moment while I check with the person in charge.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please wait a moment while I check with the person in charge.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please wait a moment while I confirm with the person in charge?



Google 翻訳
We will check if the person in charge is available.
DeepL 翻訳
The person in charge will confirm if he or she is available.Please wait a moment while I check with the person in charge.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll check to see if the person in charge avaliable.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please wait a moment while I see if the person in charge is avaliable.

“will”と”be going to”は同じ意味と中学校で習った方もいるかもしれませんが、少しニュアンスが異なります。今回は電話対応中にその場で決めた内容なので、”will”が適当。”be going to”だと確認することがあらかじめ予定されていたように聞こえてしまいます。



Google 翻訳
Please wait a moment.
DeepL 翻訳
One moment, please.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
One moment, please.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please wait a moment.


Google 翻訳
I will connect to the person in charge.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll connect you to the person in charge.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll connect you to the person in charge.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll put you through to the person in charge.


Google 翻訳
Connect to the Human Resources Department.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll connect you to Human Resources.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll connect you to Human Resources.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll put you through to the Human Resources Department.


Google 翻訳
I am.
DeepL 翻訳
It’s me, sir.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
This is he/she.

“This is he”はとても違和感があるかと思いますが、実はとてもフォーマルな表現。決して”It’s me.”とは言いません。”This is ●●” と名前を入れても構いません。


Google 翻訳
Mr. △△ of 〇〇 company calls extension number 2.
DeepL 翻訳
You have a call from Mr. △△ of Company 00 at extension number 2.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
You have a call on line 2 for Mr. △△ from 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Mr. △△ from 〇〇 is on line 2 for you.


Google 翻訳
Please wait as it is.
DeepL 翻訳
Please wait as you are.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please hold.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please hold the line.


Google 翻訳
On behalf of someone who can speak English.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll get someone who speaks English.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll get someone who speaks English.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll transfer you to an English speaker.


Google 翻訳
I will put the call on hold for a while.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m going to have to put you on hold for a moment.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll put you on hold for a moment.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m going to have to put you on hold for a moment.

“be going to have to”はとてもビジネスらしい迂遠な表現で、仕方なく~せざるを得ません、と丁寧に相手に何かを強いる表現として使われます。


Google 翻訳
May I wait for about a minute?
DeepL 翻訳
May I wait for about a minute?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please wait around 1 minute.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please wait for about a minute?


Google 翻訳
I will connect you now.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m connecting you now.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I will connect you now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m connecting you through now.


Google 翻訳
Thank you for waiting.
DeepL 翻訳
Thank you for waiting.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you for waiting.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Thank you for your patience.



Google 翻訳
I have a free phone call, so I will connect you.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ve got a call for you. I’ll connect you.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They are avaliable now, so I’ll put you through.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They are avaliable now. I will connect you to them.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I will connect to Mr. 〇〇’s phone.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll connect you to Mr. Zulu’s phone.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I will connect you to Mr. 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll put you through to Mr. 〇〇’s phone now.



Google 翻訳
I’m sorry.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, sir.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m very sorry.

“I’m so sorry.” としてしまうとカジュアルな表現となってしまうため注意。”I apologize.”にするとかえってかしこまり過ぎてしまうため、大きなミスをしていない限りは不要です


Google 翻訳
Unfortunately, I’m out now.
DeepL 翻訳
Unfortunately, I’m out of town right now.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Unfortunately, they’re out right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m afraid they’re out right now.

They=He or She。theyは相手の性別が不明、もしくは丁寧に述べたい時にheやsheの代わりにtheyを用いることができます。これは単数形のtheyと呼ばれています。また、代名詞ではなく固有名詞を用いる方がより丁寧です


Google 翻訳
I’m out of my seat right now.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m afraid I’m not available at the moment.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They’re not avaliable right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m afraid they’re away from thier desk right now.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I’m answering another phone right now.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m on another line right now.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They’re on another call right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They’re taking another call right now.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I’m in a meeting right now.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m in a meeting.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They’re in a meeting right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They’re currently in a meeting.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I am on a business trip.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m on a business trip.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They’re on a business trip.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They’re currently out of town on a business trip.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I plan to return by 0:00.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll be back by 0:00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They will be back by 〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They should be back by 〇.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I plan to return around 0 o’clock.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll be back around 0:00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They will be back around 〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They should be back around 〇.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I will be back in 〇 hours.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll be back in a few hours.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They will be back in 〇 hours.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They should be back in 〇 hours.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I have already left the company today.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ve already left the office today.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They’ve already gone home.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They’ve left the office already.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
〇〇 is currently visiting.
DeepL 翻訳
〇〇 is currently receiving visitors.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
〇〇 is currently with clients.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
〇〇 is currently unavaliable as they are with clients.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
〇〇 is on vacation now.
DeepL 翻訳
00 is currently on vacation.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
〇〇 is on vacation at the moment.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
〇〇 is currently on vacation.



Google 翻訳
Unfortunately 〇〇 is absent this week.
DeepL 翻訳
Unfortunately, 〇〇 will be out of town this week.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Unfortunately, 〇〇 is unavaliable this week.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Unfortunately, 〇〇 is not in the office this week.


Google 翻訳
Unfortunately I can’t answer the phone.
DeepL 翻訳
Unfortunately, he’s not answering his phone.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Unfortunately, they can’t answer the phone right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Unfortunately, they are unable to answer the phone right now.

They=He or She


Google 翻訳
I’m sorry, but the phone is blocked.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, sir, but your phone is busy.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry, but the line is busy.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m sorry, but the line is currently occupied.


Google 翻訳
〇〇 is currently serving customers.
DeepL 翻訳
〇〇 is now serving customers.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
〇〇 is serving customers right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
〇〇 is currently serving customers.


Google 翻訳
Now importing.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m working on it.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
They’re busy.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
They’re currently unavaliable.

They=He or She



Google 翻訳
Would you like me to call you back?
DeepL 翻訳
Would you like me to call you back?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Would you like him to call you back?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Shall I ask him to call you back?

him or her


Google 翻訳
Will you wait as it is?
DeepL 翻訳
Would you like to wait like this?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Would you like to wait for him?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Would you like to stay on the line and wait?

him or her


Google 翻訳
Can you wait as it is?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you please wait like this?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can you please wait on the line for him?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please stay on the line and wait for him?

him or her


Google 翻訳
Would you please call me again tomorrow?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you please call me back tomorrow?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you please call back tomorrow?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Would you be able to call back again tomorrow?

単に”Could you”とお願いするより、”Would you be able to”と尋ねる方がより丁寧です


Google 翻訳
Tell them to call you back as soon as the person in charge returns.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll tell him to call you back when he gets back.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll tell him to call you when he gets back.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll ask him to call you as soon as he gets back.

him or her


Google 翻訳
I will tell you that you called me.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll let them know you called.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll let them know you called.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll make sure to let them know that you called.

“I’ll…”を”I’ll make sure to…”に変えることで、必ずやりますよと相手に約束でき、好印象をもたれることでしょう


Google 翻訳
Would you like to receive a message?
DeepL 翻訳
May I take a message for you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Would you like to leave a message?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I take a message for you?


Google 翻訳
May I have your name again?
DeepL 翻訳
May I have your name again, please?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
May I have your name again, please?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could I ask you for your name again, please?


Google 翻訳
May I tell you the spelling?
DeepL 翻訳
May I ask you to spell it for me?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you please tell me how to spell that?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I ask you to spell that for me?


Google 翻訳
Please give me a phone number.
DeepL 翻訳
Please provide your phone number.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Would you please tell me your phone number?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I please have your phone number?


Google 翻訳
Is it okay to call back to the number you are calling now?
DeepL 翻訳
Are you sure you want to call back the number you are calling now?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can we call you back on this same number?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May we use this number to return your call?



Google 翻訳
Please give me your email address.
DeepL 翻訳
Please provide your email address.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Would you please tell me your email address?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I please have your email address?


Google 翻訳
I will repeat it.
DeepL 翻訳
I will recite it to you.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Let me read that back to you.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I will repeat that back to you.


Google 翻訳
I will tell you.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll make sure he knows.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll make sure he knows.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll be sure to let him know.

he or she


Google 翻訳
I will repeat it just in case.
DeepL 翻訳
Let me repeat that for the record.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll read it back to you just in case.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I will repeat that back to you just to double-check.


Google 翻訳
(Repeat) Is that okay?
DeepL 翻訳
(recite) So, are you sure?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Is that right?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Is that correct?


Google 翻訳
Please contact us.
DeepL 翻訳
Please provide us with your contact information.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please tell me your contact details.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please provide us with your contact details?


Google 翻訳
Would you please call me back later?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you call me back later?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you please call back later?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Would you be able to call back again later?


Google 翻訳
Would you like to connect to voice mail?
DeepL 翻訳
Would you like me to connect you to a voicemail?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Would you like me to connect you to his voice mail?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Would you like me to connect you so that you can leave a voice mail?



Google 翻訳
Excuse me, but the phone seems to be far away.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, sir, but the phone seems to be far away.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you very well.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m afraid that I can’t hear you very well.


Google 翻訳
Can you please again?
DeepL 翻訳
Could you try again?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you say that again, please?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please say that one more time?


Google 翻訳
Could you speak a little more slowly?
DeepL 翻訳
Could you please speak a little more slowly?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can you please speak a little more slowly?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you speak a little more slowly, please?

“a little”を付け加えることで、お願いする響きが柔らかくなります。日本語と同じですね


Google 翻訳
Could you speak a little louder?
DeepL 翻訳
Could you please speak a little louder?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can you please speak a little louder?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you speak a little louder, please?

“a little”を付け加えることで、お願いする響きが柔らかくなります。日本語と同じですね


Google 翻訳
The radio wave does not seem to be very good.
DeepL 翻訳
The signal doesn’t seem to be very good.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
This signal doesn’t seem very clear.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
This connection doesn’t seem to be very strong.



Google 翻訳
I can’t hear it well …
DeepL 翻訳
I can’t hear very well, but…
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I can’t hear you very well.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I can’t hear you very clearly.


Google 翻訳
I’m sorry, the phone hung up in the middle.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, sir. My phone got cut off halfway through.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry, the phone got disconnected.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m sorry, the phone disconnected halfway through.


Google 翻訳
I hung up the phone by mistake.
DeepL 翻訳
I hung up the phone by mistake.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I disconnected the call by mistake.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I accidentally disconnected the call.


Google 翻訳
Excuse me, but I’m sorry.
DeepL 翻訳
If you’ll excuse me, I must be going.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry but I must go now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
If you’ll excuse me, I must be going.



Google 翻訳
I have to leave the office in about 0 minutes.
DeepL 翻訳
I have to leave the office in about ten minutes.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I have to leave in about 〇 minutes.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I need to leave the office in about 〇 minutes.


Google 翻訳
The meeting will start in about 0 minutes.
DeepL 翻訳
The meeting will start in about 0 minutes.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
The meeting starts in about 〇 minutes.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
The meeting will start in around 〇 minutes.


Google 翻訳
You can’t hold it back too long.
DeepL 翻訳
I don’t want to keep you here too long.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I don’t want to keep you here too long.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I don’t want to take up all your time.


Google 翻訳
I have to get back to work.
DeepL 翻訳
I have to get back to work.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I have to get back to work.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I need to return to work.

“need to”は”have to”より強い響きがあり、自分では覆すことができない、申し訳ないがわかって欲しいという響きになります


Google 翻訳
It looks like you made a mistake on the phone.
DeepL 翻訳
You have the wrong number, sir.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
You have the wrong number.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
It seems like you have the wrong number.


Google 翻訳
Excuse me, but what number do you call?
DeepL 翻訳
Excuse me, sir, what number are you calling?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Excuse me, but what number did you call?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Excuse me, but what was the number that you dialed?


Google 翻訳
There is no one here, but…
DeepL 翻訳
There is no one here named “00”…
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
There’s no one here called 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
There’s no one here by the name of 〇〇.


Google 翻訳
I’m sorry, 〇〇 has already retired.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, but 00 has already resigned.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry, 〇〇 doesn’t work here anymore.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m sorry, 〇〇 no longer works here.

“no longer work”や”doesn’t work”は働いていないと曖昧にぼかした表現です。”quit”や”resign”は何か理由があって辞めたように聞こえてしまい、会社に何か不満があったのか、トラブルがあったような印象を相手に与えてしまいかねない表現です。電話口で、あなたは会社を代表して受話器を取っているわけなので、自社のイメージを損なう表現を避けるのが一般的です。


Google 翻訳
Can you wait for a while, or another call is coming in?
DeepL 翻訳
If you could please wait a moment, I have another call in the queue.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
May you please wait a moment, I have another phone call waiting.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
If you could please wait a moment, I have another call in the queue.


Google 翻訳
I’m sorry, I did not catch you.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry, I couldn’t catch that.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m sorry, I couldn’t catch what you said.


Google 翻訳
Wifi line seems to be weak.
DeepL 翻訳
Wifi connection seems to be weak.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
The Wi-Fi seems weak.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
The Wi-Fi connection seems to be weak.


Google 翻訳
I will write it down so please wait a moment.
DeepL 翻訳
Please wait a moment while I write this down.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please wait as I write this down.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please wait a moment while I write this down.


Google 翻訳
There is noise.
DeepL 翻訳
Sir, there’s a lot of noise.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
There’s some noise.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m getting interference.


Google 翻訳
I can hear your voice, but it is interrupted.
DeepL 翻訳
We can hear you, sir, but you’re breaking up.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I can hear you, but you’re breaking up.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I can hear you, but the call keeps getting interrupted.


Google 翻訳
Can you hear my voice?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you hear my voice?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can you hear me?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Can you hear my voice?

~できますか? と聞いているので、丁寧にしょうと思って”could”を使わないようにしましょう。誤用です、過去形に聞こえてしまいます


Google 翻訳
The surrounding sounds seem to be loud.
DeepL 翻訳
There seems to be a lot of noise around.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
It seems to be quite noisy.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
There seems to be a lot of noise around.


Google 翻訳
Are you sure you want to call back?
DeepL 翻訳
Do you mind if I call you back?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I please call you back?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Do you mind if I call you back?


Google 翻訳
Can you give me your phone number or I’ll call you back soon.
DeepL 翻訳
Please give us your phone number and we’ll call you right back.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please leave your phone number and we’ll call you back soon.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
If you please leave your number, we’ll call you back right away.



Google 翻訳
Thank you for calling me.
DeepL 翻訳
Thank you for calling.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you for calling.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Thank you for your call.


Google 翻訳
Do you have any other requirements?
DeepL 翻訳
Is there anything else I can do for you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Do you have any other requests?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Is there anything else you need help with?


Google 翻訳
Is there anything else I can do?
DeepL 翻訳
Is there anything else I can do for you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Is there anything else I can help you with?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Is there anything else that I can do for you?

“Do you need help?” と相手に尋ねてしまうと、相手に少し気を遣わせてしまうかもしれません。”Can I…?”とこちらから~しましょうか?と尋ねる方が相手も気兼ねなく質問やお願いができる言い回しで、感じの良い言い方です


Google 翻訳
I hope it helps.
DeepL 翻訳
I hope I can be of help.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I hope this has helped.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I hope this was helpful to you.


Google 翻訳
I am sorry that I can not be a help.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I am sorry that I cannot help.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I am sorry that I can’t be of more help.


Google 翻訳
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.
DeepL 翻訳
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us!
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
If you have any problems, please contact us.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

don’t hesitateはビジネスで好まれる表現です。いつでも~して下さいと言いたい時に使いましょう


Google 翻訳
Please feel free to contact us again.
DeepL 翻訳
Please feel free to contact me again.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please feel free to contact us again.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please don’t hesitate to contact us again.



Google 翻訳
Hello, this is △△ from 〇〇 company.
DeepL 翻訳
Hello, it’s me, from Company 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Hello, this is △△ from 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Hello, this is △△ calling from 〇〇 company.



Google 翻訳
I’m sorry, I made a mistake. (in the case of a wrong call)
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, I made a mistake (in case of a wrong number)
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Sorry, I’ve called the wrong number.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m sorry, it seems like I’ve called the wrong number.


Google 翻訳
I called you about 〇〇.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m calling about 〇〇.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m calling about 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m calling in regards to 〇〇.

in regards toはregardingに言い換えても問題ありません


Google 翻訳
We are calling on behalf of 〇〇.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m calling on behalf of 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m calling on behalf of 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m calling in lieu of 〇〇.

on behalf ofが一般的な言い方ですが、一段階上のフォーマルで恰好良い表現を目指すのならばin lieu ofを使ってみてはどうでしょう



Google 翻訳
Do you have Mr. 〇〇?
DeepL 翻訳
Is Mr. 〇〇 here?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Is Mr. 〇〇 there?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Is Mr.〇〇 avaliable?


Google 翻訳
I would like Mr. △△ with extension number 〇〇.
DeepL 翻訳
Extension number 〇〇, please.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I would like Mr. 〇〇 on extension 〇〇, please.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I please speak to Mr.〇〇 on extension number 〇〇, please.


Google 翻訳
I received a call from Mr. 〇〇 earlier, and it is the call back.
DeepL 翻訳
I just received a call from Mr. 00, and this is a return call.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I am returning Mr. 〇〇’s call.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I am calling back Mr. 〇〇 after recieving a missed call from him.


Google 翻訳
Would you please connect this phone to XX copies?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you connect this call to department 00, please?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you connect me to 〇〇 department, please?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’d like to be connected to the 〇〇 department, please.


Google 翻訳
〇〇 I would like the person in charge.
DeepL 翻訳
I need someone in charge of 〇〇, please.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I would like to speak to the person in charge of 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I please speak to the person in charge of 〇〇?


Google 翻訳
Does anyone know about this?
DeepL 翻訳
Does anyone know anything about this?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I speak to someone who knows about this?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m looking to speak to someone who knows about this.


Google 翻訳
Would you please replace Mr. 〇〇?
DeepL 翻訳
Could you take over for Mr. 00, please?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’d like to talk with Mr. 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could I please speak with Mr. 〇〇?



Google 翻訳
I would like to introduce about 〇〇.
DeepL 翻訳
I’d like to introduce you to 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’d like to introduce 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
May I introduce 〇〇 to you?


Google 翻訳
I would like to talk about 〇〇.
DeepL 翻訳
I would like to consult with you about 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I would like to talk with you about 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I would like to discuss 〇〇 with you.


Google 翻訳
I would like to see you once if you have time.
DeepL 翻訳
I’d like to meet with you once, if you have a moment.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I would like to see you if you have time.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’d like to meet with you in person when you have time.

when it’s convenientと言い換えても問題ありません


Google 翻訳
When is it convenient for you?
DeepL 翻訳
When would be a good time for you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
When is convenient for you?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
When would be a suitable time for you?


Google 翻訳
I will meet your schedule.
DeepL 翻訳
We’ll work around your schedule.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I can fit in with your schedule.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll work around your schedule.


Google 翻訳
That’s fine.
DeepL 翻訳
That’s fine.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
That will work.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
That will be fine.

That’ll be great.と言っても良いですが、カジュアルな響きになります。単にOK.と返事すると少し冷たく聞こえてしまうかもしれません。フレンドリーさが求められる接客業では、”Fantastic”や”Lovely”という人もよくいます。場面によって使い分けが必要ですね


Google 翻訳
That day is not convenient.
DeepL 翻訳
I can’t make it that day.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I can’t make it on that day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m unavaliable on that day.


Google 翻訳
How about the △ hour on the day of the week?
DeepL 翻訳
How about on the day of the week?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
How about △ on 〇day?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Does △ on 〇day work for you?


Google 翻訳
Then, thank you for your cooperation at △ o’clock on the day of the week.
DeepL 翻訳
I look forward to working with you on the day of the week.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Okay, I’ll see you at △ on 〇day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Okay, I look forward to seeing you at △ on 〇day.


Google 翻訳
Where would you like to meet.
DeepL 翻訳
Where shall I meet you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Where would you like to meet?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Where shall I meet you?


Google 翻訳
I will visit you.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll meet you there.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll see you there.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll meet you there.


Google 翻訳
Is it possible to come here?
DeepL 翻訳
Is it possible for you to come here?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could you come here?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Would it be possible for you to come here?



Google 翻訳
Can you give me a message?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you leave a message for me?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can I leave a message?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Am I able to leave a message?

“Can I”を”Could I”や”May I”にすることで丁寧さを増すことができます


Google 翻訳
Can you tell me that you have a call?
DeepL 翻訳
Could you please tell them that I got a call?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Can you please tell them that I called?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please let them know that I called?



Google 翻訳
I will call you again at a later date.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll call you back later.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll call you back later.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll call back another day.


Google 翻訳
What time will you be back?
DeepL 翻訳
What time will you be back?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
What time will they be back?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
What time will they be in?



Google 翻訳
Please tell us that you would like us to call you back when you return.
DeepL 翻訳
Please let them know we’d like to call them back when we get back.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please tell them to call me back when they get in.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please ask them to call me when they are avaliable.



Google 翻訳
Please tell us that we will contact you by email.
DeepL 翻訳
Please tell them you will contact them via email.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please tell them I’ll send them an email.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please tell them I’ll contact them via email.



Google 翻訳
Can you tell me your mobile number?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you give me your cell phone number, please?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I please have their mobile number?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Could you please tell me their mobile number?



Google 翻訳
Is there anyone else who knows about this matter?
DeepL 翻訳
Is there anyone else who can help me with this matter?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Is there anyone else who knows about this matter?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Is there anyone else who can help me with this matter?


Google 翻訳
When should I call you?
DeepL 翻訳
When would you like me to call you?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
When should I call back?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
What time would be best for me to call back?

“When” のみで相手に質問すると、少し直截的できつく聞こえてしまうかもしれません。”would be best”を付け足すことであなたの都合を考えているんだというニュアンスが付け足され、柔らかく質問することができます


Google 翻訳
I will give you a phone number.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll leave you my phone number.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll give you my phone number.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll leave you my phone number.


Google 翻訳
I’ll call you back later.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll call you back later.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll call you back later.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll call again soon.



Google 翻訳
〇 I would like to change my appointment on the day of the week.
DeepL 翻訳
I would like to change my appointment for the day of the week.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m hoping to change my 〇day appointment to another day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I would like to change my 〇day appointment to another day if possible.


Google 翻訳
Would you like to change it next week?
DeepL 翻訳
Can we change it to next week?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I change it to next week?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Would it be possible to change it to next week?


Google 翻訳
I’m sorry, but it became inconvenient at △ time on 〇day.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, but I’m not available on the day of the week at that time.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry but I’m not avaliable at △ on 〇day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I’m no longer avaliable at △ on 〇day.


Google 翻訳
Are you sure you want to change the time?
DeepL 翻訳
May I change the time?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I please change the time?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Do you mind if we change the time?

Do you mind…? の質問に対する返事は間違えてしまう人が非常に多いです。この場合のYesは、気にします、嫌ですという意味で、Noは気にしません、問題ありませんよという意味です。ネイティブスピーカーでも誤解してしまうことが多いです。そのため、YesやNoだけで返事をせずさらに文を付け足すことが一般的です



Google 翻訳
Is it correct with Mr. 〇〇’s mobile phone?
DeepL 翻訳
Are you sure it’s Mr. 00’s cell phone?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Is this Mr. 〇〇’s phone number?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Have I called Mr. 〇〇’s phone?


Google 翻訳
I called your company earlier, but I heard that you are out.
DeepL 翻訳
I tried calling your office earlier, but I heard you were out of town.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I just called your company but I heard you were out.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I tried calling your office earlier, but I heard that you were out.


Google 翻訳
Is it okay for a little time now?
DeepL 翻訳
Can you spare a few minutes now?
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Could I talk to you briefly now?
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Can you spare a few minutes now?

この表現は電話のみではなく直接のやりとりでも使えます。お時間よろしいでしょうかと言いたい時は他にも、”Do you have a minute?” “May I talk to you for a minute?”という表現も良いです



Google 翻訳
Thank you for your precious time.
DeepL 翻訳
Thank you very much for your valuable time.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you for your time.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Thank you very much for your time.


Google 翻訳
I’m glad I was able to talk.
DeepL 翻訳
It was nice talking to you.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m glad we could talk.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
It was nice speaking with you.


Google 翻訳
I’m looking forward to seeing you.
DeepL 翻訳
I look forward to meeting you!
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m looking forward to seeing you.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I look forward to seeing you.



Google 翻訳
Let’s talk again.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll talk to you soon.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’ll talk to you soon.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I hope to talk to you again soon.


Google 翻訳
Excuse me.
DeepL 翻訳
Excuse me, sir.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Goodbye for now.

“Bye bye”はとても子供っぽい言い方なので止めましょう。”Bye”の方が良いですが、カジュアルであることは否めません


Google 翻訳
Thank you for everything.
DeepL 翻訳
Thank you very much for everything.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you very much.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Thank you for your help.


Google 翻訳
See you next week on the 0th day of the week.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll see you next week on Sunday.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
See you next 〇day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I’ll see you next week on 〇day.



Google 翻訳
Thank you for calling.
DeepL 翻訳
Thank you for calling.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you for calling.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Thank you for your call.



Google 翻訳
Yes, it is 〇〇 company.
DeepL 翻訳
Yes, it’s Company 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Hello, this is 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Hello, you have reached 〇〇.


Google 翻訳
I can’t answer the phone right now.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
We can’t answer the phone right now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
We are unable to take your call right now.


Google 翻訳
If you leave a message, we will call you back.
DeepL 翻訳
Please leave us a message and we will call you back!
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please leave a message and we will call you back.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please leave a message and we will return your call.


Google 翻訳
Business hours are from 〇day to 〇day, from △ hour to △ hour.
DeepL 翻訳
Our business hours are from 0 to 0, and from 0 to 1.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Our hours are 〇 to 〇, 〇day to 〇day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Our business hours are 〇day to 〇day, 〇 to 〇.


Google 翻訳
I am on a business trip until next week.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll be out of town until next week.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I will be away for business until next 〇day.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I will be out of the office until 〇day next week.


Google 翻訳
Please tell us your name and your requirements after the dial tone.
DeepL 翻訳
After the tone, please state your name and the purpose of your call.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please leave your name and message after the tone.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please leave your name and details of your call after the tone.

after the toneがビジネス的ですが、after the beepという表現も大変良く使われています。少しくだけた表現ではありますが


Google 翻訳
I will call you as soon as possible.
DeepL 翻訳
I’ll call you as soon as I can.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
We will return your call as soon as possible.


Google 翻訳
I’m away from my seat right now.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m sorry, I’m not here at the moment.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m sorry, we are unavaliable at the moment.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Unfortunately, no one is here to take your call.


Google 翻訳
If you are in a hurry, please contact your mobile phone.
DeepL 翻訳
If you are in a hurry, please contact us on our cell phone number 00-00-00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
If you need immediate assistance, please call 〇〇-〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
In case of urgent situations, please contact us via mobile on 〇〇-〇〇.

via は~を通してという意味のラテン語です。意外と一般的に使われている言葉です


Google 翻訳
Currently out of business hours.
DeepL 翻訳
We are currently out of business hours.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
We are currently closed.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
You have reached us during non-business hours.


Google 翻訳
We are responding to other calls.
DeepL 翻訳
We’re taking other calls now.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
The line is busy now.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
We are currently responding to other calls.



Google 翻訳
Hello, this is △△ from 〇〇 company.
DeepL 翻訳
Hello, it’s me, from Company 00.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Hello, this is △△ from 〇〇 company.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Hello, my name is △△, calling from 〇〇 company.


Google 翻訳
I called you about 〇〇.
DeepL 翻訳
I’m calling about 〇〇.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I am calling about 〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I am calling regarding 〇〇.

regardingはin regards toと言い換えても可


Google 翻訳
Please call us at your convenience.
DeepL 翻訳
Call us when it’s convenient for you.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Please call me back when you can.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Please call us at your convenience.

英検2級でも出たことがあるat your convenientはとても丁寧な表現です


Google 翻訳
My phone number is 〇〇- △△.
DeepL 翻訳
My phone number is 00-△△..
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Our phone number is 〇〇-〇〇.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
You can reach us on 〇〇- 〇〇.


Google 翻訳
I’m looking forward to talking.
DeepL 翻訳
I look forward to talking with you.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
I look forward to talking with you.


Google 翻訳
See you again.
DeepL 翻訳
See you soon.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Talk to you soon.


Google 翻訳
please take care of yourself.
DeepL 翻訳
please take care of yourself.
プロの翻訳1 for beginners
Thank you.
プロの翻訳2 for advanced
Talk to you soon.

直訳すると”Take care”や”All the best”となるのですが、余程親しい間柄でもない限りはまず言いません。

ビジネス英語 Web会議フレーズ【170選】
ビジネス英語 司会進行のための英語フレーズ【68選】






\ 30秒で無料カウンセリング予約/




YouTube【英語字幕付き】英語学習におすすめ動画ベスト50 前半



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